Today Jeremiah and I walked into the side kitchen a little earlier than usual, but to our surprise a lot the major meals had been prepped for and the only step that was left was the assembly step. This was because there was another volunteer named Kris that was in the kitchen helping out Jennifer. They were able to finish so much in so little time as Kris had been volunteering with Jennifer for far longer than Jeremiah and I have been. Kris was so happy that were more enthusiastic volunteers present as she was able to have more people there to communicate with. Kris talked to us about her life and why she had a passion for volunteering at Friendship Trays. She started off as a temporary volunteer, but now she comes in more frequently in order to balance a healthy work to volunteer lifestyle. Kris serves as an inspiration to me as she is able to balance so much on her plate yet continues to maintain a positive attitude.
Day 7:
Updated: Nov 29, 2018